Simon says... 2013-06


2013-06-01 (sjg)

Rachel had a photo shoot for her dance school and since she was all made up, we decided to take some pics in the back yard. We didn't have a lot of time so the setup was simple, standing in partial shade with a flash at camera right.

The eye-lash shot at right was taken during setup; to test the light balance, the flash hasn't even been raised yet, but the effect was cool.


Sam and Rachel then took some together, and had fun with it.


then the puppies got into it - Rocky is a kissing fiend


and we finished up with a group shot.


2013-06-02 (sjg)

We took the puppies to the beach. This was their first serious road trip and they had a great time. The girls needed to cover themselves with towels for protection from excited claws.

Caly loves to stick her head out the window.


We were very lucky with the traffic - it helped to set out early.

The guys (puppies) ran up and down the beach with us in tow.


Caly was brave enough to get at least her legs wet. She looked ridiculous on such skinny legs. After she dried out though she was careful to keep dry.

Rocky wasn't having any of that water stuff - but was happy to run up and down the beach.

We took a beach tent to ensure they had some shade - which Rocky took full advantage of. /* imagine something very witty here */